Thursday, 20 March 2014

Mini Nori Roll Lunch And Dipping Platter For School And Daycare

If you haven't aready seen my Sushi Lunch ideas for toddlers you can view my Sushi - Nori Roll lunch ideas here: Nori Rolls For Daycare for photos of pre-prepared Japanese bento style Sushi lunch photos and ideas.

Nori Rolls can also be presented as a childcare or school lunch as a platter-like lunch dish.

In the photo above I've created mini Nori Rolls, a few with tuna and on the other side of the carrot sticks, 3 with cucumber slices.  They are just rolled in seaweed onto plain boiled sticky white rice.

I like to use either lunchboxes which are divided, to save on wrapping what's inside (Which can be tricky for little fingers) or alternatively I just put little dishes inside the lunch box to seperate some of the items. You can see above, I've used both.

While I usually pack wrapping free lunches, ultimately I'm comfortable with at least 80 / 20 healthy raw food choices versus processed or packaged food choices.

With the above lunch for my toddler I've included a packet of pre-packaged cheeze spread and cracker pod.   I leave it in it's packaging for freshness.  It's a simple snack idea on it's own but when you add soft cheeze and crackers to a lunch like this, with ample fresh raw vegetable sticks it actually turns the lunch into a dip-like platter! 

So while my daughter will quickly gobble down the mini sushi and fruit, she can also enjoy dipping the carrot sticks and cucumber sticks into the soft cheeze as well as eating the water-crackers.   My daughter doesn't like bread as yet but she'll happily snack on crackers.

Alternatively to using a prepackaged soft cheeze and biscuit set you could add two extra small tubs with lids to the lunch box one for a dollop of soft cheeze or cheeze spread (Even Ricotta) and another for water buscuits, rice crackers or even pretzel sticks.

Remember if packing Tuna for a school lunch where the lunch box isn't kept in a refrigerater, add an ice pack to the lunchbox to keep it fresh!

Please see my Nori Rolls for Toddlers page for more healthy and bright sushi lunch ideas!

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